Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Help: Initial Thoughts

I started reading The Help this week, admittedly behind for the month of May. It's quite a lengthy book, but I think it'll be easier to get through since it is fiction.

I am enjoying it very much so far. I like that it's written from three different perspectives, but all deal with the same people and issues. Sometimes it's difficult to read books from various perspectives because they all deal with different people and issues, and it gets confusing. However, this has not been confusing yet.

I also like that the main characters are women. It's always interesting to me to read about various women's perspectives and personalities. I realize this is a work of fiction, but I do feel like these women are real. And this is historical fiction- many of the elements of this book are accurate.

This being said, I'm asking you to put aside your political opinions for a minute, and realize how incredibly huge it was for an African-American to become President. I know that not all of you are supporters of President Obama, but despite that, it is remarkable that he won the Presidency considering the plight of African-Americans in our nation. Sometimes I find myself imagining that this book was set back during the Civil War, hundreds of years ago. But then I realize that it actually was only about 5o years ago! That's not long at all! And I realize that this book is set in Mississippi, perhaps one of the most racist states still to this day, but I just find it amazing to think about.

Of course, I believe that we still have room to grow in race and gender equality, but wow, have we come a long way.

I'm excited to continue this book! Great pick Joanna!!

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